Do you have to sign a new lease every time rent is increased?

Do you have to sign a new lease every time rent is increased?

The need to sign a new lease when rent is increased depends on the terms of your existing lease agreement. In many cases, landlords may include clauses in the lease that allow them to increase the rent after a specific period, typically at the end of the lease term. In such cases, you don’t need to sign a new lease; the rent increase is applied according to the terms outlined in the existing lease.

However, some landlords may choose to offer a new lease with updated terms, including the increased rent amount. If this is the case, you would need to sign the new lease to continue your tenancy under the new terms. Always review your lease agreement carefully to understand the specific provisions related to rent increases and whether a new lease is required. If you have any doubts or concerns, it’s best to consult with your landlord or a legal professional.